Saturday, January 16, 2010

My story

I guess I should tell everyone my story. A little over ten years ago I became ill. At first, the doctors thought I had MS. The Lupus tests were all negstive the first time they were ran. I started taking MS drugs, shots on a daily basis. The more I took, the sicker I got. I developed optic neuritis in my left eye which convinced them the dx was accurate. I had trouble with my legs and my reflexes became non-existent. It didn't matter how many times they hit my knee with the little hammer, it wouldn't flinch. I developed polymiositis and my left swelled up twice the size it should have been. Was hot and red. It was at that point they retested me for Lupus. The test came back positive. Once I started on the right treatments we got the disease into remission and I was able to go back to work. My disease stayed in remission for five years. Two years ago, I became ill again. Joint pain increased, Chrohns disease flared and I developed SICCA syndrome. Rashes started occurring all the time, I got sores in my nose and mouth and I developed pleurisy and started having heart white cells, monocytes and lymphocytes were elevated. Red cells were too low, and I had kidney and liver involvement. My C-Reactive protein has stayed 4 times higher than it should be. My bloodwork tests results had flags all iver it. They started me on meds and finally last month everything returned to normal except my CRP after almost two years of being screwed up. I still feel horrible. I am exhausted all the time. Joint pain and muscle pain is horrible. Meds make me sick. And I am physically weak. I tire so easily. Mouth sores have never went away and now my left ear rings constantly. I know the bloodwork looks better, but I sure don't. Getting tired of fighting, tired of being brave. Tired of forceing myself to put one foot in front of the other. If there are others out there with similar symptoms, would love to hear from you!
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