Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back To School

Well, today was the boys first day back to school. I made it. It was a crazy busy day. I had to get them off to school, deal with the dryer people, clean house, cook supper and clean the kitchen, get Jared from football, take him straight to the doctor in Seymour, bring him home and feed him, get all his football equipment washed and ready for tomorrow, make sure everyone had showers, clothes laid out for tomorrow, and homework was done. May not sound like a lot for most people, but for the life of a lupie, it was exhausting!! Tomorrow will be ok, but from 3:30 to 9, it will be crazy again. I forgot how chaotic my evenings were during football season. You would have thought I would have remembered that one. Thursday I have to drive an hour and a half to see my Lupus doctor and drive to Seymour for an eye exam. Back to back. Friday evening is the first game. By the time Saturday gets here I will want to die! LoL I can't go at this pace for long, or I will be down. Literally. My Lupus is very apparent right now. I am broke out in a Lupus rash on my face. It looks Horrid!! I look like a freak of nature. Seems each rash is worse than the last. I have been breaking out on my thighs this time as well. Which is a new development. I dread the appointment Thursday. Lupus doc won't be happy. am just starting to come to the realization that I am never going to get any better. This is as good as it is going to get and I am never going to be what I consider normal ever again.

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